Runtime Subscriptions in Otto

One should strive for loosely coupled design in software development. Otto is great library for Android which keep objects loosely coupled but still allow them to communicate efficiently.

profile Abhishek Bansal on Tech, and Android

We are switching to Timber for Android Logging

At moldedbits, we have decided to switch to Timber library over android.util.Log. Timber has following benefits over standard android logging

profile Abhishek Bansal on Tech, and Android

Strengthening the Case for Pair Programming

Issac Newton in one of his letters in 1676 wrote If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.

profile Aashish Dhawan on Technical and Android

Accessing Git APIs in Ruby

Without a doubt we all know that Git is one of the most famous version control system. Here at moldedbits we use GitHub for each of our project. Some use git directly from command line, while other prefer GUI tools like SourceTree.

profile Amit Kumar Swami on Technical and Ruby

Code Refactoring

No one can argue about the importance of good code architecture and clean code. Every good programmer or a team of experienced developers gives special attention to these as they understand how much effect this has on product quality and their productivity. Our team at moldedbits is no exception.

profile Aashish Dhawan on Technical and Android

Android Picker Knob

In a game we are building, we needed a custom widget that looks like the classic volume control knob.

profile Anuj Middha on Technical and Android

Android gitignore

Sharing the gitignore we use with all our Android projects. All local configurations go in

profile Anuj Middha on Technical and Android

Bumble Released.

Yep, its finally out on the Android Market.

profile Anuj Middha on Technical and Android


After a month of hard work, we are ready with the beta version of our first game for Android, Bumble.

profile Anuj Middha on Technical and Android